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Find or sell your home with Frank as your Realtor at Keller Williams Real Estate 

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Real estate is likely one of your largest investments. 
Who do you turn to & how have you made that decision?
Let me connect you.


I could tell many stories about my observation of people being led on a home tour and the best skill the agent had was to proudly announce the obvious, “this is the dining room” as they tucked a wrinkled shirt into their shorts.  This was the professional they were entrusting to handle a $750,000 dollar real estate transaction. Other times, an agent would not pay attention as escrow progressed then fell through with the client being told it was the bank’s fault or the other agent.  They had no idea it was their agent who was not on the ball and I couldn't tell them.

"When it comes to finding an agent, people typically don’t know where to turn and can only hope they made a solid decision.
All too often their mistake is realized too late."
Let me connect you.

I work to ensure you get connected with a solid experienced professional. 

It’s a different scenario when the vetting is agent to agent rather than client to agent.  With years of experience, I carefully vet the select Realtors I refer. My reputation is on the line.  You can be confident knowing your Realtor would be a solid, experienced professional who ensures you are taken care of and your largest investment is handled.

My services are at no charge to you nor the seller.  Agents regularly refer clients and agree on a percentage of the commission as a referral fee. The agents I recommend are glad to receive you as their client and pleased to work with me as a referring agent.  Together we make things happen on your behalf.

I am here as your Guide & Consultant. 
I will be frank with you as you turn to me for guidance.

